BLOG: What You Told Us in the Audience Survey!
We recently ran an audience survey with the goal of this survey being to gather information from AgVocateWA current audience to inform future social media and professional development opportunities.
We want to thank everyone who took the time to answer the questions, you have helped us ensure our 2025 direction is aligned with what you are looking for from us.
We wanted to share with you the results of the survey, and if you read and think “_____ needs to be added to this list” please let us know!
What is an issue or issues that you are currently worried about in the ag industry?
Merino flock reduction
Wool price
Lack of youth interest in sheep
Fragile environment
Climate change
EPA regulatory creep
What the industry looks like post live export
Lack of understanding of the industry
Increased freight costs
Lack of political care for regions
Live export ban
Employment in the ag industry / labour shortages
Inequality based upon debt
Input costs
Labour costs
Public image of the industry
Robotic technology that decreases need for people
Shrinking regional towns
Disconnect between city and country
Big corporates
Red tape
Lack of effective advocacy
What is a topic or topics you would like to learn about?
Farm gate issues
How to speak to legislators and policy makers
How to use social media for advocacy
How to encourage adoption of new ag practices
How we can encourage young people into country towns
Reducing input costs
Perennial grass management
Balancing the mental load
Economic survival
Effectively looking after our land
Is there anything specific you would like to see us post on social media?
Stories of young people in ag around the state
Contrasting stories of what people are doing in other states
Positive farming stories
Upcoming events
Other relevant websites
Ask me anything sessions with professionals
Bringing the beef industry into the media
Once again, thank you to everyone who was kind enough to submit their answers to the audience survey!
If you would like to make sure a topic is added to our list please contact us on any of our social media accounts - Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X.