Industry Testimonials

Here is what others in the industry have to say about AgVocateWA.

Dr Elizabeth Jackson

Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management & Logistics, Curtin University

“This is a team of driven leaders in Western Australian agriculture. Their passion for a prosperous future of this industry shines through in their commitment to supporting emerging generations and cohesively confronting the highs and lows of agriculture. My professional relationship with this team has extended across several years and I have come to know members as determined, dedicated and inspiring with a vision for success in supporting their peers and their industry to thrive. Like me, they authentically believe in a bright future for Western Australian agriculture and will go above and beyond to ensure it flourishes.”

Amber Balfour-Cunningham

Research Scientist, Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development

“I know many members both professionally, through my work in agricultural research, or personally as dedicated volunteers. Their strong drive, unwavering commitment to integrity and inclusivity make them a standout team. The committee’s dedication and professionalism have consistently impressed me, achieving significant milestones like large agricultural conferences and the highly successful Keep the Sheep fundraiser, raising over $30,000. AgVocateWA truly embodies the future of agriculture, with early career professionals actively driving positive change in the industry. I wholeheartedly recommend supporting their efforts.”

Maree Gooch

Director, Value Creators

“Value Creators will continue to work with and support the endeavours of AgVocateWA in the future, as we are passionate about providing and supporting the personal and professional development of the Next Generation of the agriculture industry.

Value Creators has been privileged with many of the AgVocateWA Committee over the past decade in a variety of roles and circumstances. The AgVocateWA Committee are acknowledged as being a trusted, collaborative group of passionate voices hailing from diverse backgrounds and perspectives, working hard to ensure young voices are heard. AgVocateWA are committed to ongoing professional and personal development, which shows in the always successful events they hold, the calibre and vast experiences of speakers that present and their connections across a variety of sectors within the ag industry.”

Jamie Spence

Farmer, H.T Spence & Co.

“The AgVocateWA committee is a group of enthusiastic, young leaders in the agricultural sector of WA. With a diverse range of experiences and connections they will be able to provide a breadth of events and opportunities for youth in WA agriculture. They have organised and well executed several sizable events that cater to upcoming ag professionals, such as the Keep the Sheep Gala and former annual forums under another banner. This committee is looking to lead its own path that truly represents all youth in WA agriculture and will be an organisation well worth investing in.”