Answering Your Questions!

Since the launch of AgVocateWA we have had some great questions come through, and we thought we answer them all in one place for everyone to have a read of. If you have any questions we have not answered please feel free to get in touch with us. 

What exactly is AgVocateWA going to do? 

We have big plans for AgVocateWA! We are an advocacy group to empower and support young people in all areas of the WA agriculture industry. We will be working behind the scenes for the remainder of 2024 before turning things up a notch in 2025. We have plans for events throughout WA including networking and professional development opportunities, we also have online masterclasses and resources currently in the works. We will continually look for opportunities to support our members and are open to suggestions and ideas from all!

When will membership be available? 

We are working behind the scenes currently to get the membership side up and running. We can tell you that it will be available before the end of the year! Keep your eyes on our socials. 

How much will membership cost?

Two memberships will be available depending on your age. 

  • 25 and under - $20 per year 

  • Over 25 - $30 per year 

Where is AgVocateWA based?

Our committee is from all over WA! This allows us to connect with young people in the industry from all over the state. Our key demographic is individuals from both the city and regional areas, as far as Geraldton and Esperance. 

What events do you have planned? 

Please note that these are tentatively planned at the moment, we’ll confirm and set up tickets when we can!

  • February - Chapman Valley Cocktail Ball

  • March - Long Table Dinner

  • May - Annual Forum

  • July - Exchange Program

  • July - Industry Tour

  • August - York Cocktail Ball

  • September - Perth River Cruise

  • Ongoing - Virtual Masterclasses and Mentoring

Can my business become a sponsor or a partner?

Absolutely! We would love to have you come on board with AgVocateWA. Please send an email to and we can send you the Sponsorship Prospectus. 

To keep up to date with AgVocateWA, as well as be informed of upcoming events, when memberships are released etc - please sign up with your email address here!


BLOG: What You Told Us in the Audience Survey!


MEDIA: AgVocateWA in the Farm Weekly! (November 2024)